Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer

Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer is full Professor of Social Policy and Comparative Politics at the University of Münster. Togethter with Bhekinkosi Moyo from the University of the Witwatersrand she is heading the RUC project. Her research focuses on voluntary associations, nonprofit organizations and social enterprises in various policy fields. She has long term experience in the management and coordination of international projects (e.g. EU Marie Skłodowska- Curie RISE Actions FAB-MOVE2 and PACT3 and she initiated the first university-based Master’s Program on “Nonprofit Management and Governance” (http://www.npm- in Germany. She started cooperation with Prof. Bhekinkosi Moyo during her presidency of ISTR (2015-2017).
Dr. Roman Paul Turczynski

Dr. Roman Paul Turczynski is coordinator of the RUC project and a research associate at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Münster. He completed his BA and MA in politics and philosophy at the University of Hamburg and the University of Vienna. he got his PhD from the Graduate School of Politics at the University of Münster. His main research area is political theory and the history of political thought.
Dina Schewtschenko

Dina Schewtschenko is a student researcher on the RUC project. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology at the University of Münster.